What is Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction?
MBSR is an evidenced-based program for reducing and managing stress through a combination of informal mindfulness exercises, formal sitting meditation, light yoga, and group discussion. MBSR is taught in hospitals and community centers around the world to treat everything from chronic pain to anxiety and depression, but it’s not just for medical conditions. MBSR’s emphasis on integration with daily life makes it useful for all experience levels — from veteran meditator to absolute beginner, and anyone in between. Whether your goal is learning how to meditate or translating your meditation practice into greater resilience in daily life, you can get there with MBSR.
Relating to ourselves and one another is central to MBSR. The group discussions promote a sense of community that reduces loneliness. They also strengthen the communication skills that nourish all kinds of relationships — whether in close quarters or across differences in background.
MBSR is supported by decades of scientific studies and has spawned a host of mindfulness-based interventions. Through an elegant sequence of practices, it subtly cultivates awareness of the body and mind in stillness and motion, in formal meditation and daily life.
In just 8 weeks…
Equipped with a core set of meditation techniques
Integrating lessons from meditation and daily life
Improved stress management and emotional intelligence
Why take a class when I can just download an app, watch a video, or listen to a recording?
Find a community to support and inspire you.
Get personalized answers to your questions.
MBSR’s effects have been studied and documented for decades.
At the end of the course, we review meditation apps and other options for developing your own personal practice, whatever your vision for it might be.

When the true leader’s work is done right,
people say: “Wow, we did it ourselves!”
— Tao Te Ching, Chapter 17