Josh Wright is a teacher of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), qualified by Brown University.
He has over 20 years of experience practicing yoga and meditation, with training from faculty at Oxford University and some of the original pioneers of MBSR at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. His MBSR training includes over 250 hours of instruction and over 1,000 hours of silent meditation, including retreats with the Insight Meditation Society, Shinzen Young’s Vipassana Support International, Dhamma Dhara Vipassana Meditation Center (in the tradition of Sayagi U Ba Khin and S.N. Goenka), the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, and Dan Brown’s Pointing Out the Great Way.
Josh is also a senior trainer and coach of Shinzen Young’s Unified Mindfulness techniques — an analytical approach that complements MBSR’s intuitive one but similarly draws on multiple traditional and scientific perspectives. Josh’s teaching experience includes the BOLD cancer clinic at Einstein College of Medicine, Lenovo's finance department, the Ali Forney Center for homeless youth, and the City College of New York, where he co-lectures on the psychology of compassion.
A Harvard-educated economist with 15 years of experience across several industries and continents, Josh’s public service includes tours of duty at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and U.N. peacekeeping missions in Kosovo and Afghanistan. With experience in media and data science as well, his teaching is grounded in the working world as much as the meditation hall, envisioning a world of greater true prosperity and happiness.
Josh is available for private consultations and group presentations, as well as formal teaching engagements.